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World Asthma Day 2018

World Asthma Day is celebrated by around the world on every year on may's first Tuesday. In this year World Asthma Day is being celebrated today because today is May 1, 2018 and Tuesday too. The theme for this year is "Never too early, Never too late". According to World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates, 235 million people suffer from asthma. Those who have difficulty in breathing, have a cough and chest tightness. This year's theme "Never too early, Never too late" is for the reason because this disease should be recognized at the right time.

First World Asthma Day was celebrated in 1998 and this year marks the 20th Anniversary of World Asthma Day and the day is organized by Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in collaboration with WHO. The World Health Organisation defines Asthma is a chronic disease and very common in Indians as well 25 percent Indians are allergic from Asthma and most of the children are suffering from this disease and this figure does not seem very intimidating but it is.

Symptoms: If we talk about symptoms then they are some of them, frequent coughing, breathing,  morning sickness, breathlessness, and wheezing. Most of the people treat it by as a common disease and it gets worse when it is not treated at the right time.

  • Here are 10 food recommendations to help people who are suffering asthma.


Among best food for asthma, Amla is a very rich source of VITAMIN C which is very useful in improving tolerance and immunity in asthma sufferers. Apart from this, anti-inflammatory action of this food is good for reducing the severity of asthma attacks.


Recent studies have shown that people who use cauliflower, particularly raw people in the form of compost or juice can reduce the risk of allergic attack. This routine also improves tolerance from allergic and thus reduces the severity of asthma attacks.


Onions are full of small crystals called flavonoids, which can strengthen the capillary walls and fight swelling. Apart from this, they can prevent bronchial tubes from damage due to pollination of the lungs as well as lungs. In addition to onions, blueberries, barbed pears can add more flavonoids to your asthma-eating diet.


Milk is not only a good source of calcium but magnesium - mineral fight against asthma. Magnesium can relax the muscles around the bronchi, which can keep your airflow open.


If we talk about curd then this is another dairy product which can fight against asthma. According to scientists, probiotics in curd has been shown to be able to reduce inflammation. Despite the reasons are unclear, but probiotic help in reducing allergic reactions. In some cases, asthma symptoms are triggered by common allergies.


With the high content of omega-3 fatty acids with magnesium, flaxseeds have a positive effect on the symptoms of asthma. It is a useful substance because it relaxes the bronchi, muscles around the airways, which helps keep them open. Bronchi constriction is considered as the trigger of an asthma attack.


Due to anti-inflammatory properties, hemorrhoids are known as one of the versatile elements for a large number of diseases, from hemorrhoids to infection. In addition, garlic contains allicin which is a powerful antioxidant that helps in the production of an acid that damages the free radicals. Thus, it is the best food for asthma sufferers.


In cantaloupe, vitamin C can prevent lung damage by defeating free radicals. A study conducted in Japan found that people consuming large amounts of Vitamin C rich foods were less prone to asthma than people who ate less. Most fruits and veggies can be found in vitamin C, they are abundant in the fruits of lemon such as grapes, oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, broccoli and cantaloupe.


Carrot is good not only for vision but also for asthma. Women consuming carrots have described asthma less than 20% less risk compared to those people. This effect is linked to high concentrations of beta-carotene, but vitamin C content in carrots also plays an important role. If you buy carrots, then you should choose the most dark, dark orange people because they have the highest level of beta-carotene.


And last but not least, Fish yes you read it right this is a nonveg product which can do an important role in a fight against asthma. Omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish like tuna go beyond the safety of people with heart disease, stroke, cognitive problems and diabetes. It can also improve the symptoms of asthma. It can provide the omega-3s anti-inflammatory effect which reduces one of the most common symptoms of asthma - swelling. Those pregnant women consumed salmon twice a week, reported less risk of asthma developed in their child.

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